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TCS London Marathon Entry Types
TCS London Marathon Entry Types

A breakdown of the different types of London Marathon entries, including ballot, charity, club, and performance-based entries.

Frankie Cox avatar
Written by Frankie Cox
Updated over a month ago

There are several ways to gain entry into the London Marathon. Depending on your eligibility, you may enter via the general ballot, through a charity, as part of a running club, or based on performance criteria. This guide explains each type of entry and its requirements.

Types of London Marathon Entries

1. Ballot Entry (UK & International)

  • The most common entry method.

  • Places are awarded via a randomized ballot system.

  • Separate ballots exist for UK residents and international applicants.

  • If successful, you must pay the entry fee within the deadline.

  • The international ballot typically includes additional fees and travel packages.

2. Charity Entry

  • Many charities offer guaranteed places in the London Marathon.

  • Requires a minimum fundraising commitment, which varies by charity.

  • Contact your chosen charity directly to secure a spot.

  • Some charities offer support such as training plans and fundraising advice.

3. Running Club Entry

  • Available to members of England Athletics-affiliated running clubs.

  • Clubs receive a limited number of guaranteed places.

  • Distribution of places is at the club’s discretion.

  • You must check with your club on how to apply.

4. Good For Age Entry

  • Available to runners who achieve qualifying times based on their age group.

  • Times must be achieved at an officially recognized marathon.

  • Places are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Applicants must provide proof of their qualifying time during registration.

5. Championship Entry

  • For elite and high-performing amateur runners.

  • Requires a faster qualifying time than Good For Age.

  • Only open to athletes who have achieved the qualifying time in an officially recognized race.

  • Applicants must provide race results and club affiliation.


What is the easiest way to get a London Marathon place?

There is no guaranteed easy way, but charity places offer a more secure route if you commit to fundraising.

Can I apply for multiple entry types?

You can enter both the ballot and charity options, but once you secure a place, you cannot transfer to another entry type.

What happens if I miss the Good For Age or Championship entry deadline?

If you miss the deadline, you will need to wait until the next application window. No late applications are accepted.

Can I transfer my place to someone else?

No, London Marathon entries are non-transferable.

Need Further Assistance?

For additional questions, visit the London Marathon website

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